I finally opened an Etsy Store just in time for the holidays, check it out! I’m selling old comics pendant necklaces, keychains, magnet sets, comic books, art, etc…Everything is handmade and I’ll be adding more stuff over the next two weeks. Plus all book packages for The Infinite Wait are $5 off until Dec. 16th. If you’re on the fence about ordering The Infinite Wait, then check out this incredibly thoughtful and thorough review by Rob Clough on The Comics Journal. He reveals more about my process and myself than even I’m aware of. And he reveals one of my best kept secrets when he states that, “while a lot of things annoy Wertz, there are even more that delight her.” It’s totally true but don’t tell anyone! More info about the Etsy store after these sample images of some of the stuff available:
To get your orders by Christmas, place them by the 16th just to be safe. I’ll continue to ship out orders until the 19th before I temporarily close the store while I’m out of town until Jan 2nd. If you’re new to Etsy, make sure to view the “Shop Sections” list since the first images on the store homepage are random. If you there is a specific vintage comics image that you have in mind, feel free to email me about it since I most likely have an image of it in one of my many old comics collection books and I’d be happy to customize a necklace, keychain or magnets for you!
If there are any mistakes, questions, suggestions, etc…about orders or the store, please feel free to email me at juliajwertz(at)gmail.com. This is fairly new to me so I’m happy to hear any feedback you might have.