I’m happy to announce that in fall of 2017, Black Dog & Leventhal will be publishing a book of my NYC history comics and cityscapes! It will be half material featured at Harper’s and the New Yorker, and half all new stuff. The tentative title is The Dirty Boulevard. Usually I’m kinda anti naming a book after a song, but this one just fits so well. It’s gonna a big book- 9×12, 300 pages, hardcover. I’m super stoked to be working with them, they were my first choice after I spent one of my usual afternoons browsing the books at the Tenement Museum, and noticed they put out consistently lovely books. They specialize in getting books into museums and specialty shops, which means my dream of having a book in a museum gift shop will finally come true.
Obviously, if you’ve been following my social media, you know that this is gonna be a crazy year for me. I’m leaving New York this month after being illegally evicted from my apartment (the whole building was kicked out, it’s a classic NYC real estate nightmare) and I’m going to crash in my mom’s garage attic in California for a month before heading to two months at the MacDowell Colony. I was very honored to be chosen for a residency this year, and it’ll be nice to spend the summer in New Hampshire. I don’t have a plan after the residency ends.
In the mean time, I’m trying to sell off all my Etsy stock before I close the store permanently, and to help fund the move. So now is your last chance to buy books directly from me, as well as handmade jewelry, photography prints, and trinkets. My website store selling original art will remain open. And my TopatoCo shop will be open for always, and you can get prints, mugs, totes, shirts, etc. If there is a print you’d like that you don’t see on there, please email me and let me know, and we’ll add it! juliajwertz(at)gmail.com
All the store links:
Original art, cityscapes and comics: