That book I’ve been rambling on about for forever is finally available! The Infinite Wait, published by Koyama Press, is a 228 page collection of 3 short stories about all the jobs I’ve had since age 6, being diagnosed with systemic lupus when I was 20 and the role libraries have played in my life from childhood to present day. We will not be putting the book on Amazon for quite some time, if at all, so I’ll provide you with a few choices for ordering. First, you can order it from me (see below) which is the most appreciated way since such orders are my only income right now. Packages range from $25-$50. Or, since I know purse strings are tight, you can order it from Secret Acres at the sticker price. After your purchasing options, please scroll down for more info about the book and for a lil’ story about how it came to be.
-There are also more purchasing options in the store, if you’d like to also buy Drinking at the Movies or the Fart Party vol 1, as well as choices for various bundle packages-
Koyama Press has a peak inside of the book and short description, which I’ll poach for this site as well. I also have a number of sample pages posted on this site that you can view here .